Class Times & Locations

Class Schedule

Tuesday7:15pm – 9:30pmIaido
Jodo (1st Tuesday of each month)
Thursday7:15pm – 9:30pmKendo
Last Thursday of each month is focused on shiai
Sunday9:15am – 10:30amIaido
 10:40am – 11:10amKendo Kata
 11:15am – 12:30pmKendo

Class Location

Unless otherwise indicated on our News Page, all classes are held at:

Greenhill School
4141 Spring Valley Rd.
Addison, Texas 75001
(Google Maps

The Greenhill School is located on the North West corner of of Midway and Spring Valley. Practice is held in the Main Gymnasium (Indicated by H), best accessed from the Hornet Drive entrance off of Midway (Indicated by O).